Don't Miss Will Linley

You don’t want to miss Will Linley’s debut single, “Miss me (when you’re gone)” that just dropped this week. It’s only been a few days and the song has already made its way onto Topsify’s “Tomorrow’s Hits” playlist...and for good reason. The song is a smash. 

The 20 year-old singer and songwriter has been teasing the song for a few months on TikTok. That garnered a lot of attention with one video amassing over a million views and many comments begging for the rest of the song. TikTok has paid off for the Cape Town based artist, helping him connect his music to a world-wide audience. 

Based on real experience, the song is about losing yourself after losing a relationship. The emotional lyrics are set to a catchy guitar riff, which opens the song and quickly filters out to let Linley’s voice come into the track. The guitar builds up during the pre chorus but doesn’t immediately lead to a high energy chorus. The gratification is pushed off ,and everything cuts out to leave just piano and voice, so the focus is on the emotion in the lyrics. The second half of the chorus builds back up to smoothly lead to the next verse. 

The second time the chorus comes around, Linley gives us more energy, satisfying our earlier craving for that higher release. The stripped back bridge builds both in emotional intensity and music, leading us to the final chorus where Linley brings it all together. 
The song is well balanced. The building and stripping back of the instrumental aligns perfectly with the song’s emotional highs and lows. While it is about a breakup, the song is not really sad or melancholy. Instead, it’s catchy.The guitar riff is unforgettable and the melody gets stuck in your head. These factors make it a #certifiedsadbop. 

If the song had come out a few months ago,it would be called a summer anthem. Now that we’re approaching winter, I’d  categorize it as a winter anthem. Isn’t it fair for each season to receive the same notice given to summer? Linley’s track is on my winter anthem playlist and it should be on yours too. 

Listen to Will Linley here


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