Live: Allison Ponthier Is NYC’s Queer Cowboy Star
Sarah Brown Sarah Brown

Live: Allison Ponthier Is NYC’s Queer Cowboy Star

Wearing an open pinstriped blazer over a fishnet top with baggy leather pants and Doc Martens, Ponthier jokingly said, “You guys see how I’m dressed. I’m a lesbian.” Embracing herself as a queer artist, Ponthier writes about her experiences with queerness and reassessing oneself. Her debut single, “Cowboy”, is a soothing track that charts the singer’s journey with queerness. “It took New York to make me a cowboy,” opens the track. “Born from the beige/These feelings made me feel strange/A neon sign/Not the only one of my kind” heralds in a climactic bridge and outro, leaving us in a place of discovery and self-acceptance.

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