Annie DiRusso Delivers “Call It All Off”

I first heard Annie DiRusso in October of 2021 when I saw her open for Sara Kays. Standing on stage with guitar in hand, DiRusso’s neon green eyeliner glowed under the fluorescent lights. She looked like a rockstar. When she opened her mouth to sing, she sounded like one too. Almost a year later, I’m still hooked on what I heard that night. 

The Nashville based artist just released “Call It All Off” on Wednesday and I cannot take it off repeat. Pop infused indie rock, DiRusso’s catchy sound sneaks up on you to get stuck in your head. An element that makes DiRusso so captivating is her vocal qualities. “Call It All Off '' perfectly demonstrates how DiRusso balances being gentle and powerful. 

Almost soft when it comes to the verses, DiRusso’s voice gently guides you into the story of the song. At the center of the song, the chorus, DiRusso lets loose. She demands her vocals be heard amidst distorted guitars as she admits “canceling is my thing, I never did get any better at committing”. A relatable message, DiRusso grabs your attention. No longer is the song about a lover leaving for Copenhagen, but about feeling disconnected from everything and everyone.

The music video is a visual representation of the stark contrast between verse and chorus. At the start of the video, DiRusso is seen walking along, holding a purple leash. As the instrumental grows louder and erupts into the chorus, DiRusso is suddenly not the one in control, but being pulled along by her own unruly heart. As her heart leads her down a dark hole, we’re thrust into a surreal world where nothing makes sense. One second we’re seeing the real DiRusso and the next we’re seeing a “puppet Annie”. The attention to detail here is impressive as the puppet’s world and clothes match DiRusso’s real scenes down to the flowers on her dress. 

After an explosive second chorus, the instrumentals settle down for the start of the bridge. This bit of breathing space gives room for DiRusso’s lyrics to shine through. She sings “Don’t wanna do anything anymore anyway, maybe I’ll lay here for months. Melt into my bedroom floor”. I felt the bleakness of these lyrics in my soul.

The explosive energy that erupts as the guitars build back up correlates to the emotional quality of the lyrics. I see it as corresponding to an emotional breakdown. You have your moment of melting into the bedroom floor, determined to stay there for months, before hitting the angry stage of your breakdown and then acceptance. Launching into the final chorus, DiRusso is resolved in her stating “But I spent all this time, just to feel like a child, realizing it was only ever the beginning”. 

This is the beginning of my obsession with “Call It All Off” and Annie DiRusso as a whole. DiRusso is set to tour with Declan McKenna starting in September so if you can grab tickets, I would. Annie DiRusso is one to watch. 


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